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Дэвид Боуи умер на 70 году жизни. О этом сообщил в Твиттере его сын, режиссер Дункан Джонс. "Очень...
Стали известны детали нового дополнение к пресс-странице выставки Дэвида Боуи в Мартин-Гропиус-Бау...
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На текущий момент концертная деятельность не ведется.


"Песни Дэвида Боуи не принадлежат мне — я лишь выпускаю их через себя в этот мир. Потом слушаю и поражаюсь: их автор, кто бы он ни был, по крайней мере, испытывал сильные чувства! Мне таковых познать не дано." (1976)

Дэвид Боуи

"There Is A Happy Land"

There is a happy land where only children live
They don't have the time to learn the ways Of you sir, Mr. Grownup 
There's a special place in the rhubarb fields underneath the leaves
It's a secret place and adults aren't allowed there Mr. Grownup,
Go away sir
Charlie Brown got's half a crown, he's gonna buy a kite
Jimmy's ill with chicken pox, and Tommy's learned to ride his bike
Tiny Tim sings prayers and hymns, he's so small we don't notice him
He gets in the way but we always let him play with us
Mother calls, but we don't hear
There's lots more things to do 
It's only 5 o'clock, and we're not tired yet
But we will be, very shortly
Sissy Steven plays with girls, someone made him cry
Tony climbed a tree and fell, trying hard to touch the sky
Tommy lit a fire one day, nearly burned the field away
Tommy's mum found out, but he put the blame on me and Ray
There is a happy land where only children live
You've had your chance and now the doors are closed sir, Mr. Grownup 
Go away sir
Boo, de boo, de boo, de boo dup
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